
Berserk redux reddit
Berserk redux reddit



The game was named Berzerk as a homage to Fred Saberhagen's Berserker series of science fiction novels. This dream, with heavy borrowing from the BASIC game 'Robots' ('Daleks' in the UK), was the basis for Berzerk. It is much easier to see and avoid distant robot fire, so put some space between you and them whenever possible.Īlan McNeil, an employee of Universal Research Laboratories (a division of Stern Electronics), had a dream one night involving a black-and-white video game in which he had to fight robots. Keep your distance from robot gangs and avoid being surrounded as you can only shoot in one direction at a time. The robots are programmed to follow you, so influence them with your movement to walk into walls and collide with each other.Įvil Otto always enters the maze from the same entry point as the player, so get away from this danger zone as quickly as you can. The robots take a second or two before they begin their attack, so when you enter a new maze you will zap any robots in your path before they have a chance to retaliate. Keep your finger held on the fire button as you exit a maze. This strategy should cause Evil Otto to destroy any robots in the middle section of the screen as he pursues you, increasing your score and leaving you more time to escape.Įvil Otto moves more slowly when there are robots in the maze - but when the maze is cleared he'll race towards you with amazing speed! Remember this and ensure you are positioned near an exit whilst finishing off the last few remaining robots. Position robots between your man and Evil Otto. Hide behind walls to avoid incoming laser fire, then leap out when it is safe to shoot back. The robots' shots cannot penetrate the maze walls, use this to your advantage. If none exists, the user is asked if they would like to create one, or continue loading the game without using a save file. When loading, the game searches any connected drives for a disk containing a save file. The game also supports high-score saving to disk.

  • The door graphics are now like the arcade rather than a crosshatch pattern.
  • There is a hidden "master robot room" where killing the master robot gives a huge bonus score and extra life.
  • The room layout is the same if the player takes the same route through the maze, allowing for fairer competitive play.
  • When a maze is cleared the game scrolls to the next one instead of screen-flipping.
  • The bitmap title screen now prompts for fire to be pressed after a five second delay.
  • berserk redux reddit

    Several changes have been made to Berzerk Redux since the last available build (1.10): Initially, the robots move a shoot slower than your man, but as your score increases the colour of the enemies change and their movement speed and firing rate increases. You score 50 points for every robot that is destroyed, and bonus points for clearing a maze (10 points per robot) regardless of whether the robots are struck by a laser, electrified by the walls, pummelled by Evil Otto or simply destroyed by colliding into each other. Press the fire button to shoot your laser gun. Use the joystick in port 2 to manoeuvre your man through the maze (but don't touch the walls or robots or you'll electrify him). Your challenge in Berzerk Redux is to score as many points as possible without being destroyed yourself. prg file into the open program window (or attach the.


    Just download the emulator and drag and drop the.

    berserk redux reddit

    For emulator users, we recommend VICE, as it works on a variety of systems and is very user friendly. To play the game (downloaded from the links above) you will need either a real C64 (and a method of transferring the files over to it) or an emulator. Again the faceless robots shoot at you, again Evil Otto pursues you, again you must dodge and shoot and run. If you do get out, you'll find yourself in another maze.

    berserk redux reddit

    Your only hope is to get out of the electrified maze before Evil Otto catches you. He will pound you to a lifeless pulp, grinning like a maniac all the while. You flee in panic because you know that you cannot kill Evil Otto and that, once he catches you, you'll never escape. Even when you've destroyed the mechanical heavies, Evil Otto, the mad and merciless mind behind the robot gangs, leaps out from where he's been observing the battle. Grim robot thugs known as 'Automazeons' stalk you relentlessly and you must systematically pulverise them with your laser gun before they eliminate you with theirs. Now you are a prisoner here, trapped in a maze where even the walls are death to touch. Soon after landing, you discovered the planet is a dark and apparently uninhabitable place, but by then it was too late to turn back because your space craft had been destroyed by Automazeons! The astro date is 3200 and you are the last survivor of a small group of Earth people who came to the planet Mazeon.

    Berserk redux reddit