
Python 3.7 interpreter pycharm windows
Python 3.7 interpreter pycharm windows

python 3.7 interpreter pycharm windows

python 3.7 interpreter pycharm windows

On the right pane of the window, click at the end of Project Interpreter and select Add Remote option as shown below.Ī Remote Python Interpreter window pops up. (If you have given a different name then it may differ from what is displayed here) Expand it and Click on Project Interpreter On the left pane of the window you should see Project:RaspberryPiProject. Step 7: Write the line print “Hello RaspberryPi” in the editor.

python 3.7 interpreter pycharm windows

Step 6: Right Click on RaspberryPiProject and select New -> Python File and give a name to python file. Go to File -> New Project -> Pure Python -> Give a Project Name. This folder is used to store the Python programs. Step 4: Once you have obtained the Address, go to your home directory and create a folder as shown in the below screenshot. To do so, open the Terminal window on raspberry pi and type the following command ifconfigĪs can be seen from the screenshot, Raspberry Pi is connected to the Wireless LAN and the address is Step 3: You need to get the IP Address of Raspberry Pi. Step 2: Install P圜harm Professional Edition on your Windows machine. Step 1: Ensure the Windows Machine and Raspberry Pi are part of the same Network. This tutorial is tested on a Windows 10 machine and Raspberry Pi running Raspbian OS.


Despite my best efforts, I could not find a step by step tutorial on how to remotely connect P圜harm to Raspberry Pi and use the Raspberry Pi python interpreter to execute the programs. This tutorial is about using P圜harm IDE on a Windows machine to remotely execute Python 2.7 programs on Raspberry Pi.

Python 3.7 interpreter pycharm windows